Blueprint Two Working Session: June

24 June 2024

Image of the 24 June Blueprint Two market event crowd

On Monday, 24 June, Lloyd’s and Velonetic co-hosted our third Blueprint Two Working Session of 2024 with 500 market participants in attendance.

The event kicked off with attendees hearing from Chris Halbard, Velonetic CEO, and Bob James, Lloyd’s COO, on the decision to postpone phase one market cutover scheduled for October 2024, with the remaining plenary session speakers providing updates on testing, cutover, data copy, and regulatory notification and market assurance.

The main plenary was followed with separate breakout sessions on these topics, where market participants were given the opportunity to ask the various experts any questions they may have.

The slides and recordings from the event are available to download below. 

View slides here

View the plenary session here 

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