On Monday 22 April, with almost 500 market participants in attendance, Lloyd’s and Velonetic co-hosted our second Blueprint Two Working Session of 2024.
It was a jam-packed day opened by John Neal, CEO, Lloyd’s, who spoke about our progress so far, reaffirming that we will only cutover when safe to do so and reminding our attendees of all the support available ahead of cutover in October.
John Neal said “We’re all in this together. We have a shared vision of the future: to create one solution for the whole London market, centred around global data standards, a digital gateway and a modern, robust, cloud-based platform.
What we’re undertaking has never been done before. Together, we’re shaping the future of the London marketplace by going to the heart of what we do and how we do things. Your support and participation throughout this journey has been fantastic – so my thanks go to everyone in this room for your ongoing support.”
John was followed by Chris Halbard, CEO, Velonetic, and Bob James, COO, Lloyd’s, who gave a detailed update on the revised cutover plan. Following the main plenary our Blueprint Two experts broke into three spotlight sessions on testing framework and the revised Vanguard approach, training and onboarding, data migration and key cutover activities. These spotlight sessions gave attendees ample opportunity to ask detailed questions.
All of the sessions were recorded, and these recordings and the slides are available below.
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