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Pain points

Paying claims as a delegated authority

Delays in claims processing, payments
and movement of funds 

Laptop screen showing tracking and error

First notification of loss (FNOL) 

  • A man making a claim on his laptop
    Customer makes a claim to the delegated claims administrator
    Pain point not applicable to this step
  • Money being sent from one person to another
    Delegated claims administrator approves the claim and initiates the payment, if within approval limits

    Insufficient funds under the delegated claims administrator’s control can result in payment delays to the customer (up to 45 days) 

Delegated claims administrator reporting 

  • Man looking at payments on laptop screen
    Delegated claims administrator adds a record of the claim payments made within the month as part of the bordereaux

    Where lots of claims are made in a particular month, loss funds
can run out before bordereaux are shared and reconciled 

  • A man on a computer sending a document
    Delegated claims administrator sends the bordereaux for agreement
    Pain point not applicable to this step

Bordereaux processing 


  • A man at a desk on a computer
    A bordereaux approval transaction is created for agreement
    Pain point not applicable to this step
  • A woman at a desk on a computer with an eye, question mark, and tick icons above her
    Insurer reviews the transaction, will raise any queries, and then agrees it
    Pain point not applicable to this step

Bordereaux processing 

Digital processing and replenishment of funds 

  • A woman doing technical checks on three computers
    Technical checks are completed for accounting purposes

    Checks occur late in the process and can often result in queries that delay fund movement / loss fund top up 

  • Transfer of money between two people on computers
    Fund transaction is created, funds are replenished if required and the monies are moved accordingly
    Pain point not applicable to this step


  • Woman looking at laptop screen
    Insurer reconciles incoming accounting transactions
    Pain point not applicable to this step

Pain points

View the pain points the new digital solutions are addressing for paying claims as a delegated authority. 


We’re delivering several solutions which are transforming how we’re paying claims as a delegated authority. Learn more about these solutions, including our progress, benefits and where to find out more. 

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